Autism Awareness Shop (AAS)

COVID-19 Operating Plan

AAS’s Life Skills Development 3 (ADT)

Effective October 15, 2020

AAS remains committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace environment for all program participants, employees, volunteers and visitors. As a licensed nonprofit provider of essential services to individuals with developmental disabilities, AAS made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend our Day Program services effective March 17, 2020, in support of state strategies designed to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The Governor’s recent Executive Order provides guidance to certain businesses to start operating again.  While AAS is not technically required to develop a COVID-19 preparedness plan, because of our essential status, we are doing so out of additional caution to prevent and minimize exposure to the virus.

All AAS employees are all responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces, and that requires full cooperation among employees, supervisors, participants and their family/guardians. Only through this cooperative team effort can we establish and maintain the health and safety within our workplace and communities.

The individuals served by AAS are the reason we exist. Our mission is “to provide opportunities for children and adults with developmental disabilities to exercise their independence and experience life to the fullest.” Ensuring the health and safety of the people that we serve is of utmost importance in achieving our mission.

AAS employees are the foundation of our existence. Maintaining a healthy and safe work environment for our staff allows us to push-forward in mission.

Our Preparedness Plan follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Florida Department of Health (DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH) guidelines related to COVID-19.

The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) uses the term “vulnerable adult” to describe adults served by licensed developmental disability focused organizations, such as AAS.  Being described as “vulnerable” by AHCA does not necessarily mean that one is “at higher risk” of becoming severely ill if they contract the virus. The higher risks status depends upon age or whether underlying medical conditions exist and an individual’s ability to follow health and safety practices.

Supervisors and all employees are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this Operating Plan. AAS supervisors have the full support of AAS Leadership in enforcing the provisions of this policy.

  1. Screening and Policies for Employees Exhibiting Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19
  1. Employees have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for the following signs and symptoms of COVID-19:  Fever of 100 or higher; new and persistent dry cough; shortness of breath; sore throat; chills; sudden loss of taste; diarrhea. When any of these symptoms are present, the employee must notify their manager and self-isolate until symptom free and the fever has been absent for three consecutive days, without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  2. Prior to beginning a shift, ALL AAS employees shall report to the lobby receptionist or on-call supervisor and will be required to complete a comprehensive questionnaire developed by DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, have their temperature taken, be issued Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and receive a color-coded wrist band. Upon successful completion of the employee screening, ALL employees are required to thoroughly wash their hands.
  • Employees who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 while at work will immediately report their symptoms to the on-call supervisor, sign out and leave the premises.
  1. Employees with a fever and/or one or more symptom(s) must self-isolate and are required to be tested for COVID-19. Employees may return to work when their symptoms have subsided, the fever has been absent for three consecutive days without the use of fever-reducing medications, and one (1) negative COVID-19 test result is obtained.  If you receive a positive test result, refer to (vi).
  2. Employees with two (2) or more symptom(s), but no fever, must self-isolate and are required to be tested for COVID-19. Employees may return to work when their symptoms have subsided, the fever has been absent for three consecutive days without the use of fever-reducing medications, and one (1) negative COVID-19 test result is obtained.  If you receive a positive test result, refer to (vi).
  3. Employees with ongoing symptoms are strongly encouraged to contact their health care provider and/or the Department of Health immediately. Should they be tested for COVID-19 and receive a positive diagnosis, they must inform their supervisor immediately and not report to work. Employees may return to work after self-isolating for a minimum of 10-calendar days, followed by (1) negative COVID-19 test result. Proof of negative test results will be required.
  • Employees who have come into close contact with someone who has been tested and received a positive result must immediately inform their direct supervisor and not report to work. Employees must self-isolate and are required to be tested for COVID-19.  Employees may return to work if he or she are symptom free and a negative test result is achieved. Proof of negative test result will be required. If positive results are received, refer to (iv).
    1. IF proper PPE was being used while in close contact, must include face mask, and the employee is symptom free, the employee will not be required to self-isolate or be tested for COVID-19. Continue daily screenings and self-monitoring for symptoms.  
  • Employees with a household member who has been tested and has received a positive diagnosis of COVID-19, must immediately inform their supervisor and not report to work.  Employees may return to work after one (1) negative test result is achieved by family member and themselves. Proof of negative test results will be required.
  1. Employees are eligible to use Sick or Personal Time Off as described in the Employee handbook. If the employee’s accrual balance does not support time off, an approved un-paid leave of absence may be requested.  Please consult with AAS’s Human Resource department for specific inquiries.
  1. Screening and Policies for Persons Served Exhibiting Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19
  1. Participants, and if applicable, their guardians, or residential support provider, have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for the following signs and symptoms of COVID-19:  Fever of 100 or higher; new and persistent dry cough; shortness of breath; sore throat; chills; sudden loss of taste; diarrhea. When any of these symptoms are present, the person served, guardian or residential support provider must notify AAS and the person served must stay at home until symptom free and the fever has been absent for three consecutive days, without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  2. Participants served who use AAS Transportation will be required to allow AAS transportation staff to take their temperature prior to entering the AAS vehicle and assure to the AAS employee/driver that their temperature is lower than 100 degrees. Participants that do not exhibit any signs or symptoms will be provided with hand sanitizer, prior to boarding the AAS vehicle. If their temperature is higher, as stated previously, or there are any visible signs or related symptoms, participants will not be granted access to the AAS vehicle and not able to attend AAS programs.  Participants must stay at home until symptom free and the fever has been absent for three consecutive days, without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  • Participants served who arrive at the building using non-AAS transportation services, will have their temperature taken at their respective program drop-off point. Should the temperature exceed 100 degrees, or there are any visible signs or related symptoms, the participant will not be granted access to AAS programs and asked to return home until symptom free and the fever has been absent for three consecutive days, without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  1. Life Skills Instructor’s will immediately notify their supervisor(s) of any participants served who develop signs or symptoms related to COVID-19 while in attendance of AAS programs. The participants will immediately be removed from their program area and isolated in the Activities Coordinator’s office.  Supervisor will notify Brian Rothey and call the appropriate supports to coordinate immediate pick-up of the participant.
  2. Participants served in AAS’s Community Supports department who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19: Fever of 100 degrees or higher; new and persistent dry coughs; shortness of breath; sore throat; chills; sudden loss of taste; diarrhea, will immediately report this to their coach. The participant must stay at home until symptom free and the fever has been absent for three consecutive days, without the use of fever-reducing medications. If the participant is in Supported Living, he or she will be isolated, and their emergency contact and support coordinator will be notified. A medical appointment with their primary physician will be scheduled.
  3. Community Supports department team members will conduct a telephone screening with participants prior to conducting a face-to-face visit.  Participants must disclose whether they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms prior to receiving a face-to-face visits or onboarding into a AAS vehicle: Fever of 100 degrees or higher; new and persistent dry cough; shortness of breath; sore throat; chills.  Should such symptoms be present, the scheduled visit will not be provided. The participant must stay at home until symptom free and the fever has been absent for three consecutive days, without the use of fever-reducing medications. If the participant is in Supported Living, he or she will be isolated, and their emergency contact and support coordinator will be notified.  A medical appointment with their primary physician will be scheduled.
  • Participants who have been tested for COVID-19 and have received a positive diagnosis or are presumed to have a positive diagnosis must inform AAS immediately. The participant’s emergency contact and support coordinator will be notified immediately. The participant will be encouraged to schedule a medical appointment with their primary physician and be tested for COVID-19.  The participant will be encouraged to self-isolate for 10-calendar days and notify their coach when they are symptom free, the fever has been absent for three consecutive days, without the use of fever-reducing medications and (1) negative test results are achieved.
  • Participants who have a household member who has been tested for COVID-19 and that household member has received a positive diagnosis or is presumed to have a positive diagnosis, must immediately inform AAS. The participant’s emergency contact and support coordinator will be notified immediately. The participant will be encouraged to schedule a medical appointment with their primary physician and be tested for COVID-19.  The participant will be encouraged to self-isolate for 10-calendar days and monitor for symptoms.  Participants are encouraged to notify their coach when they are symptom free, the fever has been absent for three consecutive days, without the use of fever-reducing medications and negative test results are achieved.
  1. Notification of Exposure to COVID-19
  1. If an AAS employee or participant is diagnosed with COVID-19 or there is a presumption of a positive test result, the Supervisor should notify Jenifer
    Band, Director of Adult Community Programs and Scott Band, AAS Director of Online Operations.  Scott Band shall notify the Florida Department of Health (DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH), Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) and follow the protocols as directed by AAS.
  2. AAS Director of Adult Community Programs, Scott Band, shall notify all employees and participants served, their guardians and residential support provider, who are assigned to the same program, about a potential exposure to an individual who has contracted the COVID-19 virus.  Depending upon the level of risk exposure to the individual with the COVID-19 virus, employees and participants served may be required to self-isolate for a minimum of ten consecutive days and obtain one (1) negative test result. Proof of negative test results will be required.
  • The notification process will protect the confidentiality of the individual whom has contracted the COVID-19 virus, according to the standards of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  1. Hand washing and Sanitary Practices
  1. Employees and participants served will wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently throughout the day, but especially during these key times:
    1. Before, during and after preparing food
    2. Before eating food
    3. After using the restroom
    4. After any and all personal care duties are performed
    5. After touching garbage
  2. Employees will assist participants who need it with washing hands or using hand sanitizers.
  • Hand-sanitizer stations (consisting of at least 60% alcohol) are placed throughout AAS program areas. Staff and participants will be required to use throughout the day.
  1. Visitors that are not considered to be, or deemed, medically essential will not be granted access to AAS facilities during this time. Medically essential visitors will follow all guidelines in this plan. Visitors must request prior approval of their visit.
  2. Face masks will be worn by ALL AAS employees and medically essential visitors throughout the day. Gloves will be worn by ALL AAS employees while assisting with lunches, personal cares and other duties that carry a higher risk for infection.  Glove MUST be changed out when moving from task to task, participant to participant in effort to avoid cross contamination. They will be worn by community support staff, as determined necessary based upon the individual situation.
  1. Respiratory Etiquette- Use of PPE
  1. Employees, participants and visitors that are deemed medically necessary are instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing and to avoid touching their face, in particular their mouth, nose and eyes, with their hands. They should dispose of tissues in the trash and wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward.
  2. Employees must wear face masks while transporting participants served in AAS or private vehicles.  Face masks cannot be shared with others.
  • The organization will provide each employee with face masks. Employees may acquire and use personal face masks. Employees must ensure Face Masks are sanitized after each day, using guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), or Florida Department of Health (MDH),
  1. Employees must wear face masks throughout their shift, while on AAS campuses and when leaving the campus for community-based jobs and community activities.  Visitors deemed medically necessary must wear face masks while on AAS campus. Program participants will be highly encouraged and prompted to wear a facemask but will not be required to do so.
  2. Employees, participants and visitors deemed medically necessary may use face shields.
  3. Participants employed in community-based jobs will be required to follow the COVID-19 plan as mandated by their employer.
  1. Social distancing
  1. During this time, AAS has decreased capacity on all routes to 50% to ensure proper social distancing, as well as employing an additional staff to assist with monitoring and screening participant riders. All employees driving in AAS vehicles are required to wear face masks and will highly encourage and prompt participant riders to also wear a face mask or shield while on the AAS vehicle.
  2. Employees and participants will be strongly reminded, prompted, and encouraged to keep 6-ft distances while engaged in program activities, including during lunches.
  • Physical environments will be adapted to limit group sizes in individual rooms throughout the campus. AAS has limited capacity to 50% at each program area due to the distancing guideline.
  1. Any available spaces for participants will be adapted to create more space between workstations.
  2. Communal food and sharing of food will not be permitted until further notice.
  3. Shaking hands, hugging, fist bumps, high fives and other physical forms of greetings or celebrations will be strongly discouraged.
  • Large meetings will be held via remote tele/videoconference.
  • In-person meetings will be held as necessary VIA teleconference/video.
  1. Employees using shared office space will use social distancing strategies.
  1. Housekeeping
  1. Employees will be required to sanitize all equipment, games, activities, tables, chairs, other surfaces, door handles, light switches, and other common touch points every two hours using a sanitizer/disinfectant solution. Tables will be cleaned before and after lunch.
  2. Employees will be required to sanitize all equipment, games, activities, tables, chairs, other surfaces, door handles, light switches, and other common touch points at the end of each day using a sanitizer/disinfectant solution.
  • Employees shall clean and disinfect restrooms throughout each day.
  1. AAS vehicles will be sanitized and disinfected at the completion of each route or trip and stocked with hand sanitizer composed of at least 60% alcohol.
  2. Drivers are required to sign off on an electronic log at the completion of their trip, noting that proper disinfecting and sanitization of the AAS vehicle has occurred.
  3. Shared computers and tools will be disinfected and sanitized after each use and additionally at the end of each day.
  • Gloves shall be worn while cleaning. Gloves will not be shared.
  • AAS has increased the schedule of cleaning services with our contracted janitorial crew and has implemented the use of CURIS hydrogen peroxide fogging sterilizing machines throughout our buildings on a 4-week rotating schedule and as needed.




  1. Communications and Training
  1. This Preparedness Plan will be provided in-person or via mail or email to employees, participants, guardians, and direct support providers once we are approved providers and at the beginning of any new relationships with AAS. Necessary staff and participant trainings will be ongoing. Supervisors will monitor effectiveness of implementation and training will be updated as necessary.  This Preparedness Plan has been certified by AAS, Inc. and is posted on our website and throughout the campus. This Preparedness Plan will be updated as necessary.
  2. Internal self-audits will be conducted through the use of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) ADT Programs Operating Plan Review Checklist. The Director of Adult Community Programs and Chief Operations Officer will conduct weekly reviews with use of the checklist provided.

Certified by:


Jenifer Band

President of AAS and Director of Adult Community Programs




Scott Band

Director of Online Operations
