“Arrrgghh, Matey”… Pirates Sure to Be Spotted on the Streets of Tampa
February 20, 2021Dakota is Tyler’s Dog
May 10, 2021Hi, My Name Is Hailey. I first started here at the Autism Awareness Shop on March
2nd 2021. I was born with Autism on October 3rd 2002.
I am doing really well at home, at work I need some assistance sometimes on what I need to do. I do really good with my friends here at AAS and at Church. My favorite things that I like to do are listen to music, be with my pets, go to the dog park, watch
shows/movies that I like, swimming in my backyard pool, cooking, gardening, and handmade crafts. Autism means to me who you really are inside, everyone
with autism is different, Love has no words, Autism doesn’t make me less it makes me awesome.
I also have a learning disability and I like to learn at a different pace. Some things are hard for me like managing money, I have a hard time finding my words but I eventually find it, and sometimes I need directions. But no matter what I am proud of me and am different because of my autism I always try my best! I enjoy being here at the Autism Awareness Shop.