
We provide Speech and Occupational Therapies for pediatric and adult clients. We provide these services to individuals of ALL AGES either within our facility, your home, or a combination of both. This can be the perfect fit for the friends who need just a little more independence with their communication and/or life skills to be successful in our vocational program.

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech & Language Therapy
  • Behavior Therapy (ABA)
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Autism Awareness Shop is a place where you can be appreciated and valued for all that you are. We will do our best to make sure that you are able to find the right “fit” for the strengths that you bring to the workplace. Everyone who takes part in our Vocational Program will be exposed to a wide variety of opportunities within our retail store, online stores, and coming soon our horticulture program. We want to prepare for potential employment in the community.

  • Job Skills Boot Camp.
  • Employment Opportunities.
  • Vocational Rehab.
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Support Groups & Workshops

We want to not only provide services and support for those with autism but also their families and individuals who serve those with autism. We have parent support groups and grandparent support groups. We will also have workshops to help parents skill build and learn strategies to support their loved ones, for first responders, and for professionals to gain continuing education to better serve those with autism.Please email for more information.

  • Support Groups
  • Workshops and Seminars
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Join us at our Tampa, Florida location!